business success blog
27 Jul, Saturday
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College Students Teamwork Brainstorming Concept

Success in this emerging world requires change. Professions increasingly demand a combination of academic knowledge and technical ability.

After high school, you’ll have many options from which to choose. Success depends on aligning your career with your skills and available job opportunities.

Misalignment between degrees and job skills results in half of university graduates being underemployed in gray collar jobs – or jobs that do not require the degree they earned.


With or without a four-year degree, technical skills are the new currency in today’s economy, and a majority of available positions require some education after high school.

Growing evidence shows a skills gap, where young people are not receiving the educations and skills training they need to enter the job market.

This is particularly important because a large segment of the workforce is aging and retiring.

Learning the steps moving forward:

  • Step 1: Invest time learning about your strengths and interests. The South Carolina Occupational Information System (SCOIS) offers numerous assessment instruments. Check out our materials and visit
  • Step 2: Explore all possible career options. More than 800 jobs are organized into 16 industry classes, and more careers are created all the time. So, hone in on what jobs you might like to pursue. A wealth of information on the job market can be found on the Upstate Workforce Investment Board’s website,
  • Step 3: Set a tentative career goal. This doesn’t have to be the job you want to do for the rest of your life, just the job you want to do first. It is important to align your first career with your abilities, not just where you can make the most money.
  • Step 4: Finally, develop primary and secondary goals. Investigate career pathways. Examine what steps lead to your first career goal, such as education, training and cost involved. Look into various schools and talk to people in that profession. Visit the workplace and job shadow someone before making your decision.

A digital marketing pioneer with the passion of new technology. Coding websites and creating innovative products is my daily grind. Created an SEO Tool for agencies and small business owners. Writing new content about businesses, entrepreneurs, digital marketing and blockchain is what I love to do! Build and write for the future.

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