business success blog
27 Jul, Saturday
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Instagram is one of the largest and most popular social networks in the world. An incredible 59% of Instagram users are between the ages of 18 and 29, which means it is still a “hip”, youth-centric platform. Users of these ages also tend to be more receptive to advertising, which makes the platform a goldmine for brands looking to create an impression and build relationships with customers that will stand the test of time. As per, since its introduction in 2010, Instagram has been a breeding ground for the best brands, top influencers, celebrities, and established as well as aspiring entrepreneurs. The visual-centric network has proven incredibly successful in achieving visibility for anyone who has something worthwhile to say and is able to put up quality content that others want to see.

Marketers have been quick to jump on the Instagram bandwagon and have long attempted to develop strategies that see them driving more organic traffic to their landing pages and eventually boosting conversions. This doesn’t mean that it is easy, however. Instagram is a very unique platform that is nothing like Facebook or Twitter, which means, it demands a completely unique strategy to succeed. There are several mistakes that you can make that will hurt your prospects as a marketer on Instagram. Here’s how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Not Having Clearly Defined Goals

Your Instagram marketing strategy cannot afford to be aimless and all over the place if you want to have any hope of success. You must dedicate a solid chunk of your time and resources to come up with some realistic goals that can direct your plans and strategic decisions. Being goal-driven is an absolute must because you can otherwise lose the plot quite easily, waste time, effort, and resources, and feel like giving the platform up entirely. You would also do well to know how you can translate those goals into reality by using the nature and features of the platform, especially those related to linking landing pages and calls to action in posts and stories.

Mistake #2: Coming off as Spammy

It is understandable to be eager to get your message across to as many people on the platform as possible, and users aren’t naive so they know they will occasionally encounter advertising on their social feed. It is only the particularly egregious, frequent ads that don’t add any value to their feed that they tend to resent and are unlikely to respond to in any productive manner. Users also have an instinctive talent for picking out accounts that seem spammy or geared only towards promotions. You will be better suited to find out what kind of content interests them and actually seek to serve them some value while also promoting your products, services, and your brand. You may also purchase a real Instagram account to secure a more preferable username if it is already taken, as this will go quite a long way in improving the public perception of your branding efforts online.

Mistake #3: Not Seeming Genuine Enough

Personal connection is something every social media user yearns for. If brands play their cards right, customers can feel like they are part of an exclusive group, even a family! This fondness will bring them back to your brand irrespective of the presence of alternatives. You must work to develop a brand identity, and then must ensure that it shines through in everything you do, be it a post, comment, or live stream. Top companies have also found some success in providing rare behind-the-scenes footage of their employees hard at work, as people tend to appreciate that a lot.

Mistake #4: Compromising on Quality

Sure, the marketing department for a lot of small brands may not be able to afford to keep a professional photographer on the payroll full-time or purchase any fancy equipment, but it is still no excuse to post low-quality pictures to Instagram. Whether you identify someone with a knack for photography among your own ranks or follow the advice of professionals with regard to framing, composition, and editing, you must maintain a standard of quality to keep your followers satisfied and interested.

Mistake #5: Lack of Engagement

Instagram is a great marketing channel, but it is first and foremost a social network. If you are missing out on the social aspect, you are not only losing out on a lot of potential conversions but also likely facing much more friction in your marketing efforts. Consumers love when their favorite brands take the time out to engage with them, boost their content, or even reply to their comments. Through Instagram’s impressive business controls, all these are a breeze for you, and you also have the option of conducting polls and competitions to further encourage encouragement.


Instagram is an impressive tool for anyone looking to reach a diverse audience. That said, if you don’t follow a set of best practices, you can find your efforts going to waste. By avoiding these critical mistakes, you will find yourself finding certain success. Something worth remembering is that there are several marketers who have made forays into this space before you, and you can look at the content they put up to see how effectively you can follow in their footsteps.

A digital marketing pioneer with the passion of new technology. Coding websites and creating innovative products is my daily grind. Created an SEO Tool for agencies and small business owners. Writing new content about businesses, entrepreneurs, digital marketing and blockchain is what I love to do! Build and write for the future.

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