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Looking for Artificial Grass installation? We found the perfect partner Keystone Sports Construction. They have a variety of artificial grass installations that will work for you.

artificial grass install

Most people often interchange the terms of “artificial grass” and “artificial turf” without knowing that these are both very different synthetic grass products. Turf is the term that is used when describing sports grass, which is often a shorter type of synthetic grass. When it comes to landscape grass, artificial grass is the correct term to use for it. This type of grass is often fluffier and longer than sports turf.

When AstroTurf was first created, these types of distinctions were not necessary because it was the only synthetic grass on the market. In the beginning, the quality of the synthetic grass was not as it is made these days. The shade of green used to create it did not match the real thing and the texture was nappy and not appealing.

The Advancements in Artificial Grass and Turf

The many advances in technology and science have revolutionized how synthetic grass is made in the industry. There are now various products designed for specific types of grassy purposes. Because of the distinction, there is a big difference between artificial sports turfs like AstroTurf and artificial grass used for landscaping purposes.

Artificial Turf Purposes

Artificial turf for sports is designed to be extremely tough. It must be created this way so it can withstand the volume of cleats, running feet and grinding on the ground that players make during their games. Sports turf is safer for sports than natural grass and will reduce injuries because it allows players to play when the turf is wet. Many people assume artificial sports turf is only used in large, professional playing fields. Artificial turf is perfect for fields of all sizes and sports.

Artificial Grass Purposes

While artificial turf is used more for activities and sports, artificial grass is used in commercial and residential purposes to make landscaping safer and look more appealing. While this is the best-looking between the two, it does not equate to being a more durable or softer product. Artificial grass is also created to be equally durable while offering the maximum available aesthetic appeal possible. While it is called grass, there are three different components it is made up of.

It is important to know that all artificial grass products are not the same. The workmanship and the material used play a great role in the overall value and quality of the finished product. To ensure maximum performance and longevity, it is best to have your artificial grass installed by a professional. Artificial grass can be used for playgrounds, yards, and doggy daycare centers.

Features Artificial Turf and Artificial Grass Have in Common

Even though there are so many differences between AstroTurf and artificial grass, they have many traits in common as well. Some of the features in common include:

  • Save money because there is no need to water the artificial grass or turf.
  • There are virtually no ongoing expenses or maintenance required.
  • No grass allergens or build-up of toxins like with real grass.
  • Chemical applications with harmful residues will not be necessary.
  • Sports facilities and event venues will not have to rip up their sod for replacement annually.
  • Homeowners can reclaim their weekends not having to mow their lawns.

Keeping the Grass Green

When playing sports, it can be difficult to keep natural grass healthy. After so many feet have trampled all over it, lawn care experts may not be able to restore it to its full state of beauty. No one wants to play on a muddy field. That’s where artificial grass comes into play. Yet there are different variants of even that. The two main houses are artificial turf and synthetic grass. What are the differences between them? This article will explain that difference.

What’s the Difference?

Isn’t artificial turf and synthetic grass the same thing? This isn’t the case. Artificial turf and synthetic grass use different methods in their production. These differences play a key role in determining the durability, cushion, and appearance of the grass. While both artificial turf and synthetic grass are fake, they are quite different.

Synthetic Grass

When you think about synthetic grass, you should be thinking about the closest thing to natural grass as possible. This kind of grass is popular in most sports stadiums. Synthetic grass is more abrasive than natural grass. When players fall on it, they tend to receive burns and scrapes.

The hair of the grass is long. This adds to the beauty of synthetic grass and makes it look similar to natural grass. It also meets with FIFA’s standards. These standards are put into place to give a bit of a cushion that simulates the natural cushion of soil in natural grass. This also helps the ball bounce more naturally.

Artificial Turf

Turf, on the other hand, is slowly being replaced by synthetic grass. Artificial turf is similar to carpet more than grass. The hair of the grass is very short. It also means there’s less of a cushion. When the ball bounces on this surface, its path is unpredictable. While this may be enjoyable for certain variations of sports, if you’re playing traditional soccer or football, then you need to be able to rely on the conceived directions that the ball should take when bounced.

Because there’s little cushioning, it also means that when players fall on it, they’re going to hurt a lot. It’s also more abrasive than artificial grass. If players slide along it, they’re going to receive terrible burns and scrapes.

Artificial turf is also hotter than synthetic grass. Because rubber exists in the turf, it becomes hot underneath the sun. Turf has a lot of rubber. When the sun bakes it over the course of the day, the field can sometimes become unbearable to play on.

It should also be noted that players will need particular shoes for each kind of synthetic grass to properly grip the field with. For artificial turf, they may require cleats with more gripping power.

Which is Best?

For sports complexes that want a natural and safer grass option, then synthetic grass is the option to choose. It has the right kind of cushion, has to meet with FIFA standards, and looks beautiful and natural. Yet if you want a cheaper option or want to add the complexity of unpredictable bouncing balls, then artificial turf may be the option for you.

This post was modified on 3/23/2020.

A digital marketing pioneer with the passion of new technology. Coding websites and creating innovative products is my daily grind. Created an SEO Tool for agencies and small business owners. Writing new content about businesses, entrepreneurs, digital marketing and blockchain is what I love to do! Build and write for the future.

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