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Security is one of the main challenges faced by homeowners. This threat could be from burglars or extreme weather conditions. Regardless of the danger, one needs to invest in various security measures to secure their home against external attacks. You need to recognize that your window is one of the weakest entry points to your home and should be your top priority when increasing security. Below are a few reasons why new windows in Philadelphia are the perfect security measure.

Reinforced Glass Windows For Extra Protection

Windows are designed to serve you for years before replacement. When installing replacement windows in Allentown, PA, or across the area, you need to consider the materials used and how the windows are designed. Keep in mind that most intruders gain entry to your home by breaking your windows. However, you can eliminate the chances of a break-in with reinforced glass windows.

Even with a hammer or crowbar, reinforced glass windows are difficult to break. As long as the latch or lock to your window or door is secure, you can enjoy a peaceful night. Under reinforced glass windows, you can choose:

Tempered glass- This type of glass is relatively stronger than most and can remain in place even after a crack. Intruders may need extra force to crack it.

Reinforced glass- This type of glass is specifically designed to protect you from an invasion. There are several options to pick from, including Plexiglas, laminate glass, and bullet-proof glass.

New Windows are Easy to Open and Close

Hard to open windows have often been perceived as the best security measure against burglars or children. However, these windows may not be the best choice in case of a fire outbreak. Windows are arguably the best escape route when the house is o fire. A hard-to-open or faulty window means occupants may find it difficult to open them, making them a fire hazard.

In case of a fire, people are encouraged to use the windows as a quick exit. A new window, especially one with a reliable lock system, is good for your home’s fire security. You should also consider external threats to your home, including flying debris, burglars, and bugs. A new window is easy to secure, preventing external threats from accessing your home. There are two main types of locks to consider, including:

Keyed lock- this lock guarantees extra protection since it can’t be opened without a key or your permission. However, you need to keep the key close by in an emergency.

Latch lock- this mechanism is used to secure a single or double window. However, it can easily open from the outside. With the help of a professional, you can reposition the latch mechanism to boost security.

A window made from high-quality materials provides an extra layer of protection to your home. When choosing a new window, be sure to consult a professional on the best choices to help increase window security. Smart Shield Windows are dedicated to improving our client’s home aesthetics and function using various windows and doors.

A digital marketing pioneer with the passion of new technology. Coding websites and creating innovative products is my daily grind. Created an SEO Tool for agencies and small business owners. Writing new content about businesses, entrepreneurs, digital marketing and blockchain is what I love to do! Build and write for the future.

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