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27 Jul, Saturday
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Overhead view of Central Air Conditioner HVAC unit covered with snow after snowstorm

One of the downsides to the changing weather and cold weather blowing into Virginia is the risk of HVAC problems that seem to develop at this time. No one wants to be without their HVAC, and despite maintenance practices, there are times when you need to call in a professional for assistance. Below are common heating repairs in Gainesville, VA that can be handled by an expert!

Frozen and Busted Pipes

This is just a matter of time, especially with the weather changing so fast and frequently, it is hard to always protect your pipes from freezing temperatures. If you have ice built up in the coils of your pipes, they are at risk of bursting when the water runs through and they cannot warm up in time. Busted pipes can cause significant water damage to your home and your system, so you need to call a professional right away.

Damaged Thermostat

Being able to manage the temperature inside your home is essential. When it gets cold and you need to turn on the heat, nothing can cause more panic than the thermostat refusing to work or not connecting to the system. Sometimes you may find that in many cases, this is an electrical issue, but it does not require the assistance of a professional to come out and see why it isn’t connected to the system. It could be that the thermostat needs to be replaced. If this is the case, an HVAC technician needs to calibrate the temperature.

Malfunctioning Heat Pumps

Because your heat pump is outside of your home, it is exposed to the environment and extreme weather conditions if it gets too cold. Even excessive moisture like snow and ice build-up on your heat pump can cause it to stop working properly. It could be delayed due to a blockage or stop operating at all. If something is wrong with the fan motor or there is a coil blockage, you will need a professional to open the heat pump and locate the issue. You want to ensure that your pump not only has the defrosting setting available but that it is also working to ensure proper use all winter long.

Get The Heating Repair You Need Today

If you are experiencing one of these issues or something else with your HVAC system, you can find quality heating repair in Northern Virginia. Find experts that are ready to assist you with all your HVAC needs today.

A digital marketing pioneer with the passion of new technology. Coding websites and creating innovative products is my daily grind. Created an SEO Tool for agencies and small business owners. Writing new content about businesses, entrepreneurs, digital marketing and blockchain is what I love to do! Build and write for the future.

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