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27 Jul, Saturday
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mother with child on the playground

What Should You Do If Your Child Sustains an Injury on the Playground

If you have a kid, it is only natural that they spend a reasonable amount of time outdoors, playing with their friends on the playground. While there is no childhood without some tripping and good-natured fights with other kids, certain injuries are entirely uncalled for. They can cause a significant amount of physical and emotional distress to a child. 

The injury could have resulted from negligence because the playground caretaker was not taking care of the children. Or, the playground was not safe enough for the children because a swing set or similar playground mechanisms were faulty, which resulted in the injuries.

Here are some things you should do if your child sustains a playground injury: 

  1. Talk to the Child

Once the child has somewhat recovered from the shock and received medical attention, you should talk to the child to understand what happened. Chances are, you were at work when the injury happened, so you need to know the exact details before you make the next move. 

Find out about the nature of the injury. Did someone push the child? Was the equipment faulty, like the slide or the swing set? Did somebody’s dog bite the child? Was there any loose wire, piece of cloth, or cladding that might have caused the child to trip? These questions will decide the next course of action. 

  1. Hire an Attorney 

Unless the child’s report complies with the usual description of sustaining an injury while playing with friends, you might think of hiring a personal injury lawyer. If another kid on the playground had tried to bully your child and injured him/her, you could file a lawsuit against the parents or even bring charges against the kid under juvenile laws. 

Similarly, the attorney will help you file a case against the dog owner whose dog had bitten your child, because it was his/her responsibility to keep the animal on a leash. On the other hand, if there were faulty play equipment on the playground, which led to the injury, then you have a right to sue the authorities in charge of the playground. The attorney will guide you through all the different aspects depending on how your child was injured. 

  1. Gather Evidence 

Based on what the child reported, you should gather enough evidence to file your lawsuit. Your lawyer will prepare a petition after cross-checking the facts. They will use them to prove exactly what happened in the playground and why your child is entitled to receive compensation. 

Try to talk to other parents about what happened. Ask for footage from the CCTV cameras on the playground and gather phone numbers of witnesses. All of this will help you in putting the pieces of the story together. 

Based on the facts, your attorney will file a personal injury lawsuit against the people responsible for the accident. The attorney will also ensure that your child does not have to go through any questioning that might make him/her uncomfortable. The attorney will act in the child’s best interest. 

Playground injuries are sometimes unavoidable, but if your child has sustained injuries due to someone else’s negligence, you are liable to receive compensation.

A digital marketing pioneer with the passion of new technology. Coding websites and creating innovative products is my daily grind. Created an SEO Tool for agencies and small business owners. Writing new content about businesses, entrepreneurs, digital marketing and blockchain is what I love to do! Build and write for the future.

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